13 de Maio, 2024

Praça das Redes

Jornalismo cidadão | Redes e Comunidades

ALDA e parceiros lançam inquérito sobre educação para o empreendedorismo

A ALDA pede aos seus membros, parceiros e decisores institucionais para contribuírem respondendo a um inquérito sobre várias dimensões que ligam os professores à educação para o empreendedorismo, nomeadamente as abordagens que realizam, a sua experiência e conhecimentos na matéria. Procura-se perceber até que ponto os professores recorrem ao empreendedorismo como forma de ligar os alunos à escola e combater o abandono escolar (com destaque para aqueles que não são originários do país e pertencem a minorias étnicas)..

Responder ao inquérito EnglishFrenchItalianRomanianDutch or Greek
Mais informações  Student Talent Bank Project

ALDA calls all its members, partners and relevant stakeholders to contribute to the survey on teachers approach to entrepreneurship and their level of expertise related to use this entrepreneurial education to increase student school engagement and decrease school dropout in school with a high percentage of foreign born and ethnic minorities.
Rates of early leaving from education and training are falling since 2002 in the European Union. Despite this positive trend, early leaving remains a serious issue in many Member States as the number of young people leaving school before completing upper secondary level is still high. School Talent Bank promotes entrepreneurial education in secondary schools among teachers in order to prevent early school leaving, facilitate the transition from school to work and increase students’ engagement. The specific target are those schools which register a high percentage of ethnic minority and foreign-born students.
In this context, ALDA and its partners launched within the framework of the project ST Bank (Student Talent Bank) a survey aiming to collect views and opinions on the issue of entrepreneurial education among the secondary school teachers. Answering our survey will require approximately 5 minutes and the deadline is February, 28. We would be grateful if you could support us with your contribution!
Answer the survey in EnglishFrenchItalianRomanianDutch or Greek
Find out more about the Student Talent Bank Project

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